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A Nathan Joseph Slate Inspiration

For centuries stone has bend the foundation material for great empires. Used to construct magnificent marvels. Rock's stoic beauty has captured the imaginations of entire cultures, especially those in Asia. For example, in Japanese rock gardens there stones selected for their unique features to be displayed aesthetically.This appreciation for stone has inspired artists like Nathan Joseph Slate to work materials like copper into rock-like forms. With the oxidizing properties of cooper these sculpted rock models give a new spin to stoic beauty. Now lets see it in a zen garden.  

Paying tribute to the home town artist who has inspired me the most to think larger than life I offer this rending of earth benches. Tobin's larger than life Root God sculptures stand today atop level ground, open and transparent to look at as people pass by. Why not more? For any artist of such imagination there should be more of an allure for onlookers to stop and ponder the work. What is missing is a natural transition to bring people closer and have them congregate beneath the sculpture. Thus, I propose earth to mounded at the base of each footer to give the impression of the roots being up lifted from the ground.    





& Gods

A Steve Tobin Inspiration

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